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This shit’s lost pop! FshortyS is a new Tiltmode video by Carson Lee, featuring the whole crew and closing out with a beautiful Ben Raemers part. Also featuring: Filmed by: Carson Lee, Matt Eversole, Jon Choi, Mike Salsberg, Ricky Espinoza, Jose Rojo, Austin Gardner, Kevin Calderwood, Russell Grilli, Erik Deringer, this old shoe, Ramon Ramirez, Matt Inch, Ryan Adams, Dustin Adams, Chris Haslam, Dan Stolling, Caleb Shenkman, Jon Fitisemanu, a nice boy named Vincent, Daniel Miranda, Joey Portale, Ryan Drue, Jad Angell, Evo Eric, Mike Reezy, Ryuta Shimotami, Dan Murphy, Amanda McArthur, Ian Schafer, Sean T Randolph, Chris Atkins, Jenny Moscato, Matt Reyes, Ashley Graham, Dave AShely, Mad Mike, Eric Gorman, Ben Hack, this old water bottle, George Rocha, Todd Ferrera, Dan Libby, Erik Olsen, Dave Rosenberg, Aaron Lee, Nathan Grob, Will McCarthy, Tony Perez, Tim O’Neil, Stephen Miller, Halba, Jai Tanju, Mario Guel, Jer Harada, hey you, Pete Olson, Steve Farrell, Paul Sharpe & Ben Wallis.