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To celebrate the online launch of issue 05, we asked L’Étranger Kevin Lowry for his Three Clips. Enjoy.
Mike Maldonado, Welcome To Hell
Starting this part off skating in traffic with a huge smile, Mike Maldonado is one of my favourites to watch. Anyone can relate to his skating, which is what makes the best video parts in my opinion. All those parts with flippy dippy stuff can just go over your head compared to a classic boardslide. The Toy Machine ad from 1:33 always blew my mind as a kid. They weren’t kidding when they said ‘east coast powerhouse’; Maldonado skates like it’s his last day on earth.
Rick Howard, Goldfish
Rick is Canadian so I will always have a soft spot for him. In this part Rick looks so relaxed, like he’s just on his way to shop. And all the homies in the background and whatnot give this part a really fun feeling; California looked like it would have been a great place to skate in this era. The lines at 0:25 and 1:36 are still mind blowing today, especially when you know when these guys filmed they did two tricks and just free-styled the rest. The song fits nicely too.
Mike McDermott, Supper’s Ready
Mike has always set the bar high with his video parts and this is no exception; even the introduction makes you start to sit on the edge of your seat. Knowing the stories behind some of the tricks makes it even better to watch, like the last trick (switch backside lipslide), which Mike tried a few different days until he couldn’t walk. Maybe not the funnest way to skate but sometimes people just want it.