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Long Live Southbank sent over a press release in response to The Southbank Centre’s statement of last week. Key points are as follows:
“On 5 February, Southbank Centre announced that they had withdrawn their planning applications for a period of three months in order to ‘undertake a final search for an alternative funding model’ which would allow redevelopment to take place while preserving the Undercroft. LLSB have contacted the Southbank Centre to ask if they will now be withdrawing their threat to close the Undercroft by the end of 2014 and dropping their challenge to the Undercroft’s designation as an Asset of Community Value.
“The campaign to save Southbank Undercroft has never looked stronger, and there is no way we could have got this far without the overwhelming support we have received from the public. Once again, LLSB would like to thank each and every one of you for your help and hard work over the past ten months. While the latest developments have been positive, the campaign will not be over until we have a legal guarantee that the Undercroft will be protected for future generations. LLSB will continue to work towards the preservation of this much-loved and historic community space, and to ensure that the voices of our members and supporters are heard where it matters most.”
More good news is that the Southbank book is apparently well underway and is due for publication later this year. LLSB is still looking for photographs for the book, particularly architectural photos of the Southbank Centre and images of roller-skating in the ’70s and ‘Cardboard City’ in the ’80s and ’90s. If you think you have anything appropriate, please contact [email protected]