Marbleista – A Tale of Refined Stones

16.07.2024 News

Magenta released a follow-up to last year’s Brutalista video, which focused on suburbs & raw concrete. By contrast, Marbleista is themed around the marble & granite of France’s historic city centres. Filmed by Stephane Feugas & Andrea Dupré, Marbleista features: Jameel Douglas, Ruben Spelta, Shogo Zama, Casey Foley, Glen Fox, Leo Valls, Soy Panday, Mike Mag, Jereme Jones, Flo Maillet, Vivien Feil, Pierro Lespes, Sergio Santoro, Masaki Ui, Ben Gore & friends. Check the accompanying article, with photography by Clement Harpillard & Iseki Nobuo, here.