
Yangon, Myanmar

09.02.2013 Exclusive, Articles

HK_SkateboardersOfYangon_OnlineFlyer_03-620x482Last week, I was in Yangon, Myanmar for an exhibition of my portraits of Yangon’s Skateboarders, some of which were featured in issue 11 of Grey. The exhibition was funded by The British Council in Myanmar and held at the famous Pansodan Gallery’s new space in downtown Yangon. Although I spent most of my time in Myanmar in bed with the flu, I managed to transport the prints from London safely, hang the show and make brief appearances at both opening nights. I’d like to thank The British Council, Pansodan Gallery, James Holman, Toby Mills, Ali Drummond, Sarah Graley and most of all the Skateboarders of Yangon.

Henry Kingsford

Approving a large, free-standing vinyl poster for the exhibition.

Exhibition posters at the British Embassy in downtown Yangon.

Henry hanging the exhibition. Photo Sarah Graley.

Inside Pansodan Gallery’s new space (part of Yangon’s old Indian department store).
